Tuesday 29 May 2012

Preventative Measures for Acne

Acne is a painful and often embarrassing skin condition. It is the general term used to describe facial skin blemishes from blackheads to large pimples. The good news is that you can take several steps to reduce the frequency and severity of your acne outbreaks. The following suggestions address some of the most common steps that you need to take.

First, it is important to clean your face twice a day with a mild, non-irritating product. This is important to remove the dirt and makeup on your skin in the evening and to remove dead skin cells on both occasions. Washing your face twice a day will also help to keep your pores functioning properly.

To keep your face clean throughout the day, keep your hands to yourself. Though it may be tempting to pick at the acne on your face during the day, your hands are covered in germs. You risk further inflaming your facial tissues by touching already irritated flesh with less than sterile hands.

Be careful when selecting a lotion to moisturize your face. Be certain to choose something that is guaranteed not to clog pores. This is an important step because clogged pores are a major cause of acne.

If you are subject to acne breakouts, be careful when you are in direct sunlight. Excessive sunlight can dry and even crack your skin, leaving it open to bacterial infection. Carefully read any sunscreen before applying it to your face, making certain that it is light enough to not clog your pores.

Eat a balanced, low-fat and high fiber diet. By taking care of your body from the inside, you will give your skin the nutritional tools necessary for deep healing.

Another component to acne is your emotional state. Extreme stress and depression can increase acne breakouts. If you are feeling stressed out or depressed, learn some strategies to cope with your emotions. It will help you look better and feel better.

You may also try one of the many acne medications on the market. Look for consumer reviews, and find out which one is the most suitable for your skin profile and your local climate. Be certain that you understand potential side effects and sunlight restrictions before using anything.

If you must wear makeup, there are few special tips to keep in mind. The first thing you should look for is a brand that says it is hypoallergenic. Once you have discovered a few, look again at customer reviews and see if the product has been used successfully by others who suffer from acne. When you have selected the most suitable makeup for your skin, remember to use it sparingly.

You can have skin that is blemish-free. Practice these steps and give the situation time and patience to allow old outbreaks to heal. You will see your skin being transformed as you learn to take proper care of it. Remember to persevere as your body adjusts to the changes and your old acne scars begin to heal.


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